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Public Driven Trade Shows Attract All Kinds of Cray Crays

Prowl from Transformers Robots in Disguise

Wayne was the voice of “Prowl” on the hit Fox television show, Transformers: Robots in Disguise.

Of all the impressive notches on my resume, one of the credits I’m most proud of is when I worked as the voice of “Prowl” from the Fox TV series, Transformers: Robots in Disguise.

I’ll never forget when my agent called me and told me I had an audition for Transformers.  The popular cartoon was a household name worldwide.  When my agent called again to tell me that they cast me for the show, and as one of the lead roles, I was like a little kid in a candy store.  It was really awesome!

After my episodes were released, me and scattered other characters from the television show were hired to make appearances at conventions and expos all around the world.

Wow! I can’t even begin to break down some of the wild characters that attend these shows. “Trekkies” (Star Trek Convention Attendees) have always had a reputation of being out there but when I walked into BotCon in London, England (2002), my jaw dropped.

Wayne aka “Prowl” (2001)

I witnessed grown men walking the aisles wearing full robot costumes.  One father, dressed as me (Prowl) came up to my autograph table with his son to say hello.  His son was wearing normal kid clothes but dad was in full on “TRANSFORM!” mode.

Make no mistake, there were a lot of really nice fans in attendance, so don’t view this post as a bash-fest.  I just feel the need to point out some of the really interesting peeps.

Typical for this kind of gathering,  everyone wanted the voice over actors to speak in their character’s voices. For some folks, I would leave messages on their answering machines or be Prowl on their voice mail. It was a good time.

Like most fan conventions, the organization put together a panel of actors to answer specific questions from the live audience.  My favorite question from the attendees at this show came from a 40-something year old man in the middle of the crowd, who raised his hand high and waited patiently to ask his favorite Autobot, Prowl, a very poignant question.

“Yes, Prowl, in Episode 8, when you fell into the ocean, were you nervous because you’re metal? What were you thinking when it happened?” he sincerely asked.

I paused.  I was a little confused.  I was a little concerned.  I was a little amused.


Case of Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2001)

“Ummmn…I’m not sure what my imaginary robot character was thinking at the time.  I’m not even sure that he is capable of thinking,” I responded. “As for me, the voice actor, I was thinking that I should probably get this part down and put out a solid performance so that they invite me back next season.”

“Oh,” he concluded.